Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ella Marie Turns 2 ~ Already!

My beautiful little princess turned 2 years old on Friday the 13th. All of the memories of her birth came racing back and as we heard the number 2, we just couldn't believe it. Two years ago we had no idea if our little one would be a boy or a girl. There was nothing we could think about except that endless question that seemed like everything in the world rested on. Boy or girl, boy or girl. What color clothes do we buy? How do we decorate the room? What will we name (it)? Nine months of wondering and wanting to know. Then the second she was born, it was amazing because the very last thing I was thinking about was whether it was a boy or a girl. The question had completely vanished from my mind and it was as if there were no such thing as gender, it was just my baby and I wanted nothing more than just to hold that baby. Suddenly, time had stopped, finally. Then out of nowhere, as if a reminder buzzer went off, Igor shouts out, "It's a girl!" And it was only then that I remembered we had been so eager to find out and after she was born, I had never even asked! Funny how the things that seem sooo very important, end up being just novelties and it's the real things in life; family, love, health, and happiness, that end up being the only things that really matter in the end. So, my little princess Ella Marie turns 2 and there is no doubt she is a girl. And the sweetest and prettiest princess I've ever seen. Happy Birthday Ella.


Amy Abo said...

She's beautiful Tina!! Happy Birthday to her and Congrats to You! :)

E. Broderick Photography said...

Yeah!! She is such a cutie. Happy Birthday, Ella!