Sunday, May 25, 2008

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!

This is Such a gorgeous weekend! I spent the day spreading grass seed over my current moss lawn in hopes of growing some actual grass that my sweetheart Igor can lovingly mow. :) The season just brings out so many options for fun, adventure and exploration. We are blessed to live in a wooded area and we see so much wild life. We have a red tailed hawk family that lives in our yard, tons of frogs (26 to be as exact as possible), deer, AND our favorite; the hummingbird. I was buying some flowers in the garden dept of Wal-Mart when I spotted a mini hummingbird feeder for like $1 and some 'nectar' for about $2 so I grabbed it hoping for the best. I put the feeder up in a little tree and voila! Hummingbirds galore!

Today we also had the pleasure of spending some adventurous time with our kids. My aunt and uncle generously purchased a rocket for my son Zackery. Igor and Zack spent some time, during the rainy weather, building and assembling it and were waiting for a perfect day to launch it. Well, today was that day! The four of us (Igor, Zack, Ella and myself) all piled in the car. Zack with his rocket, Igor with the amo, Ella with her 1/4 of an orange and I with my camera. We headed to a local field. The boys set up while Ella and I played in the grass anxiously awaiting the show. "5, 4 ,3 2, 1 Blast off", yelled Zack and Igor and I snapped away. So much fun!

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