Thursday, October 23, 2008

Off to favorite city in the US.

As I get that twitch, a little shake and an antsiness running through my body I realize what's going on. It's called withdrawal. I have a serious addiction to big cities so badly that on a whim I've forced my family to pack up the strollers and a picnic lunch just to go to NYC for the day at the park. I know you're thinking..."Hello there Tina, there are parks EVERYWHERE!" Yes, I know that. But the fast pace, the crowded streets, the amazing architecture that covers every inch of every building and the characters you see in the city are second to none. It's just one of those places we all fit into. So, I'm overdue! And just in time too. Lucky for me the Photo Plus Expo is this week and it's in NYC! My favorite of favorite spots. I'll keep you posted on my trip. Until then "I LOVE New York!" Do you?


Mary Marantz said...

interesting! I get that same reaction from going IN to the city!! huh!

Hope you guys had an awesome time!

Eric Foley said...

Hey TP, it was a blast hanging in the city with you and everyone else! We should do it again some time!

See ya at the next PUG?

Val McCormick Photography said...

I had an awesome time Tina and I am looking forward to shopping in January, wooo whoooo!