Friday, August 1, 2008


This week has been so super busy and I'm so sorry that I didn't update my blog until now! Just to keep you in the loop on our happenings, I spent Monday and Tuesday on a fabulous photographers retreat in the Berkshires at the amazing Amanda Harris Herzberger's family lake house. I enjoyed kayaking with Miss Aimee Thomas Oswalt for TWO hours!!!! And swimming (well actually hanging from a floating dock) with some of my photography peeps like the Marantz's and Carla Ten Eyck and Julia from Salty Grapes and a new friend Jacob from NoDo photography. It was really a great time to relax and reflect on life in general. The key 'workshop' we did was to create a list of 101 things we wanted to accomplish in 1001 days. This is harder to create than you think! The list encompassed everything from business to personal goals and even spiritual. Anything could go on this list. It helped me realize just how vast our lives really are. I think most of us went into this thinking that our list would be 90% business related goals but in reality, our life is a little bit of everything that makes it a whole. We are supposed to accomplish one of our goals this week and blog about it so here goes... (I did two!)

#9 Wake up earlier than the kids.
I actually accomplished this today!!! Seems like a small step but I am sooo not a morning person so for me, this was Huge! Now I just have to make sure I do this every day for smooth sailing.

#27 Go camping.
Most of the fellow retreat people saw this goal happen. I totally set up my sleeping station on the floor of the lakehouse, I was lying down ready to sleep when suddenly I sat right back up and said, "nope, I'm sleeping outside!". So, I grabbed my stuff at 1:30am and set up my tent with the help of Jacob and slept under the stars. Check on #27

So two checks off of the 101... still working on #44 Learn how to breakdance.


E. Broderick Photography said...

Awesome! I cannot believe you already checked off 2 goals! I gotta get my butt in gear! Tina--I had the BEST time hangin' with you. And you do make a mean peach martini! I hope we can hang out again sometime. And call me when you are ready to show off some breakdancing moves. That I'd like to see. (Or if you win the lotto! I can think of some fun ways to spend that dough!)

carla ten eyck said...

Good for you little lady!

I saw you go out at 1:30 and almost jumped out of my SKIN (I was still watching that crazy scary movie)

Can't wait to hang!!

Mary Marantz said...

That's awesome!! Dude I totally saw you walking down to the dock at 1:30 am and it reminded me of that scene in what lies beneath and I too almost jumped right out of my skin!

Way to go on rockin out not one but two goals. Definitely let us know when you start working on the break dancing one...perhaps you could unveil it at the August meeting!


Aimee Thomas Oswalt said...

TINA! You rock! Two off your list already, I added kayaking in the middle of a lake to my list and thanks to you I can cross that one off!
Thanks so much for that I had SOOOO much fun! Can't wait to see you soon!
HEY we should go kayaking again!

nikki nicole photography said...

wow 2 goals in 1 week! you go girl!!!!

cant wait to see what else you check off!

Anonymous said...

Can I photograph the break dancing? that would be so awesome. I am impressed that you thought of something so cool. Can't wait to get together for those chick pix!

Anonymous said...


It's Sarah Baker!Long time no Talk. I would love to met up some time soon and have you take some pictues of Kyle and the new baby. I love love love your blog.I'm impressed with your list. I to need to wake up before the kids and also would like to break dance. Good for you!!!!