Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First day butterflies

Today was the first day of school in my town. We frantically did our school shopping yesterday at 12pm to get everything my big boy Zack would need for his first day of 1st grade! I just can't believe how fast he has grown up. It seems like not that long ago we were holding him in our arms and praying he'd fall asleep. Now he's off on a big yellow school bus as independent as can be. 5 years old going on 30! He even requested his hair be done up so he can look "cool". I'm so shocked to see that the word 'cool' is still cool! But anyways...after some Kix, a good tooth brushing and a goodbye kiss for Ella, he was off for his newest adventures. And as for me? I think I'll get some work done now!

No, that's not the street, it's actually our rediculously long driveway!It was a bit chilly this morning!


Robin Dini Photography said...

awww. i love that last shot of him looking back :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much he has grown... he really is like a little grown up! Just think we met when were about his age... craziness! ~Alison

E. Broderick Photography said...

Oh, what a cutie pie! I am so afraid of this day for me! It must be a bunch of emotions--proud, excited, scared, sad...Oy. Great pics.